Thursday, February 4, 2010

Still truckin'

Classes have officially been in session for 2 weeks now. That means I have to stay on my running schedule, otherwise it will get too easy to talk myself out of it. I still haven't upped my mileage much. I've been going about 2-3 miles. This Sunday I am going 4, I hope it's nice outside, I don't know how much fun 32 laps will be...

On a good note, I can run a mile in 10 minutes! I don't know if I've ever been able to do that, not even in the elementary school mile tests (which I hated by the way). Now, 10 minutes is if I'm running only 1 mile, I slow down a bit when I am running more than that :)

This birthday was a running birthday, an ipod nano, new earphones, running pants and a shirt. Verrrry nice. I didn't run sunday because 1: I was getting over my birthday celebration, and 2: I was coming to terms of being 25.......eek!

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