Sunday, December 6, 2009

How cold does it have to get before the geese leave??

I've been really bad about running the last week or so, finals, papers and presentations have consumed my life. I went for a run today and it felt good, I definitely prefer running outside, even when it is cold. The only issue was geese, again. Why are they still here? Shouldn't they be south by now?

Not sure when I am going to get outside again, we're suppose to get a bunch of snow this week. Looks like it's going to be a white Christmas!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Is it bad that I already need some encouragement ?

2 bad runs, 2 days in a row... I'm thinking Thanksgiving got the best of me...ugh. Tonight I had a double side ache, it even hurt to walk, ever had one? I think I need to make some real changes, rather than just say I am going to. (I was so good 2 weeks ago!) I have to start drinking more water, rather than just carring my water bottle around. Tonight after class I am stopping at the grocery store and picking up some power foods-aka bananas.

I'm determined to make tomorrow a better run day...