Monday, February 22, 2010

Slow and steady wins the race....right?

Don't worry, I'm still running! I ran 4 miles yesterday and it felt really good! It was my second day outside, it's nice to have some different scenery. Although I feel reaalllly slow outside. Mainly because the only other people that run in cold weather are marathon runners. They are fast and super fancy with their water bottle belts and all. The nice thing is that everyone waves and smiles at each other, it's a good motivation to keep going. No one waves at the gym.

This weekend is 5 miles..... here's hoping it's as good as yesterday's run!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Still truckin'

Classes have officially been in session for 2 weeks now. That means I have to stay on my running schedule, otherwise it will get too easy to talk myself out of it. I still haven't upped my mileage much. I've been going about 2-3 miles. This Sunday I am going 4, I hope it's nice outside, I don't know how much fun 32 laps will be...

On a good note, I can run a mile in 10 minutes! I don't know if I've ever been able to do that, not even in the elementary school mile tests (which I hated by the way). Now, 10 minutes is if I'm running only 1 mile, I slow down a bit when I am running more than that :)

This birthday was a running birthday, an ipod nano, new earphones, running pants and a shirt. Verrrry nice. I didn't run sunday because 1: I was getting over my birthday celebration, and 2: I was coming to terms of being 25.......eek!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

20 weeks away!

We are 20 weeks away from the run! Plennnty of time, but no more slacking. I've been running pretty consistently since buying my new shoes. I am still taking it easy on my foot. I've stopped icing it and haven't had any pain for the last 2 runs. woohoo, one hurdle overcome!

I've been running inside, I'm not minding it yet, but I can see myself getting a little stir crazy in the next month or so. It's not so bad because the track runs around the basketball courts, so I can watch people play, at least it's something distracting.

I've also made up my running chart for the next 20 weeks. More as a guide than anything else, but it will help to motivate me. Right now I am running 2 miles at a time, but am really trying to increase my speed a little. Sunday is my "big" run, a whopping 3 miles, but hey, I have to start somewhere right? I feel like I could be running 3 miles at a time right now, but I don't want to take a step backwards with my foot.

Also--water, water, water,water!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year= New Shoes

Hello! I'm back, after traveling around Wisconsin and Minnesota for the last 2 weeks. Not much running involved, but lots of good food :)

I learned a valuable lesson yesterday. The last few months that I have been running (actually since last may) have been a little painful. I would finish running and the arches in my feet were sore. Then I would wait a few days, try again and it turned into an endless cycle. I was a little concerned about it, and didn't know what it could be from. So instead of going to lady footlocker I decided to try going to a small locally owned running shop to see what they had to say.

A lady in the shop, who is also a personal trainer had me take off my shoes and do 3 squats. Then she pin-pointed where I was hurting. I was amazed. I figured it was going to be something where I had to purchase expensive arch supports or see a doctor but all she said was:

"How old are your shoes?" as she looked over at my dirty, tattered up shoes..... I told her 2 years, with 2 races in them... bingo!

Now I own a new pair of shoes, (asics, newer version of my old pair). I went for another run and surprise no pain! She said I should ice my feet and take some ibuprofen and I should be feeling 100% in no time. It's amazing what a new pair of shoes can do for the body and mind.

Just wondering if anyone out there has a rule of thumb on shoe purchasing, how often do you purchase new shoes?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

How cold does it have to get before the geese leave??

I've been really bad about running the last week or so, finals, papers and presentations have consumed my life. I went for a run today and it felt good, I definitely prefer running outside, even when it is cold. The only issue was geese, again. Why are they still here? Shouldn't they be south by now?

Not sure when I am going to get outside again, we're suppose to get a bunch of snow this week. Looks like it's going to be a white Christmas!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Is it bad that I already need some encouragement ?

2 bad runs, 2 days in a row... I'm thinking Thanksgiving got the best of me...ugh. Tonight I had a double side ache, it even hurt to walk, ever had one? I think I need to make some real changes, rather than just say I am going to. (I was so good 2 weeks ago!) I have to start drinking more water, rather than just carring my water bottle around. Tonight after class I am stopping at the grocery store and picking up some power foods-aka bananas.

I'm determined to make tomorrow a better run day...

Monday, November 30, 2009

I got lost!

Alright, you have to be careful when you drop your youngest off at dance and head out for a run while she is at practice (of course, in the dark)...that is until you decide to veer off of your normal route. Feeling a bit cocky, I decided that I would not only run to the main road and back, I would make it a circle and go over a block too. Good idea, except that block was angled back toward the main road (AWAY from Megan's practice)--of course, I was unaware and am running and running, and get to the end of the block and look to where I thought I was going, thinking that I was just heading back to pick up Megan, but to see, gasp, that I was turned completely around and wasn't sure where I was!! To make matters worse, I had forgotten my phone, so I didn't know what time it was, or anyone to call, so I RAN back the other direction, I was cutting through peoples yards, praying for no big dogs, and got back to Megan's practice just in time. phew. Next week, will run to the busy street and turn fancy stuff.